Shock / Bump Test System
KRD10 Hydraulic Vertical Shock Test System KRD11 Pneumatic Vertical Shock Test System KRD12 Pneumatic Horizontal Shock Test System KRD13 High Energy Shock Test System KRD16 High Impact Shock Test System KRD17 Pneumatic Bidirectional Vertical Shock Test System KRD20 Pneumatic Bump Test MachineSRS Test System
KRD14 Pneumatic Vertical Shock Response Spectrum Test System KRD15 Pneumatic Horizontal Shock Response Spectrum Test SystemConstant Acceleration Tester
KRD30 Constant Acceleration Tester (Box Type) KRD31 Constant Acceleration Tester (Arm Type) KRD32 Non-standard Constant Acceleration TesterDrop Test System
KRD40 Zero-distance Drop Test System KRD41 Small Drop Test System KRD42 Double Lift Zero-distance Drop Test SystemProcedure ISTA 3E is a general simulation test for unitized loads of similar retail or institutional packaged-products shipped from a manufacturing location to a distribution center. The unitized loads of packaged products are shipped through a motor carrier (truck) delivery system, where an entire trailer-load is filled with unitized packaged products, often of similar retail packaged products, intended for one destination. This type of shipment is called Full Truckload (FTL).
Definition of unitized load
A unitized load is defined as one or more products or packaged products usually on a skid or pallet, but always secured together or restrained for distribution as a single load. Examples include:
- A stretch wrapped pallet load of individual containers
- A single non packaged machine banded to a pallet
- A pallet with a corrugate tray, tube and a cap.
Each sample must be tested in the following order:
1. Atmospheric preconditioning, required
2. Atmospheric conditioning, optional
3. Shock test. It is required to choose an incline impact (1.2m/s) or a horizontal shock (1.2m/s).
4. Rotational edge drop test, required, height varies with packaged-product weight.
5. Compression test, required.
6. Random vibration test, required.
ISTA Steel Spring Truck Random Vibration
The test is performed under ‘top-loose load’ conditions, no restrict on load vertical direction.
The random test Grms is 0.54, the theoretical P-P displacement is 45.13mm, as following:
Calculate the test time
Estimate the transportation distance of the package during land transportation, and then use the following formula to determine the test time:
Test time (minutes) = transportation distance (miles) ÷ 5. The longest test time is 240 minutes
Test time (minutes)=transportation distance (km) |÷8. The longest test time is 240 minutes
For example:
If the estimated transportation distance is 750 miles, the test time is 150 minutes. If the estimated transportation distance is 1000 kilometers, the test time is 125 minutes.
Choose suitable product to do vibration test
CME KRD70 series hydraulic vibration shaker can perfectly perform above test, while the normal electronic-dynamic shaker is difficult to meet long stroke and low frequency test, hydraulic shaker is the proper one to do this test.
KRD70 series hydraulic vibration shaker
ISTA 3E testing can be used to: Evaluate the stability of the load, Determine the protective performance of packaging and packaged-products in relation to shock, vibration, and other stresses. Evaluate some conditions of transit, including pressure, moisture, and unusual handling. It is important to remember that the product and package are considered together rather than separately with 3E testing.
The ISTA 3E is the best test method to use for predicting the FTL (Full Truckload) Shipping Environment.
Have any enquiry? Please contact our sales:
CME Technology Co., Ltd.
Add.: No.3 Upgrade Demonstration Base, West of Yongchang Rd., High-tech Zone, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, 712023 China
Tell: +86 13588426277 (WhatsApp)
Fax: 029-33193132
products Shock / Bump Test System SRS Test System Constant Acceleration Tester Drop Test System Transportation Simulation Test System Multi-Axial Simulation Table Vibration Shakers Packaging Test SystemSignup for CME newsletter and be informed of the latest innovations, product updates and events.
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